Remember, the power to shape your life into what you dream of lies within you, regardless of your past.

My story isn't a showcase of my knowledge but a narrative shared for learning. Growing up, my life was a rollercoaster. Coming from a broken home, it felt like the deck was stacked against me right from the get-go. Despite coming from an educated family, financial stability was more a fantasy than reality. Amidst these hurdles, my mother's philosophy towards education shone like a guiding star. She never pushed me to top the class, offering a rare respite in an ocean of expectations.

1. Rethinking Mine: Me Never Enough

I constantly felt that I didn't deserve new or better things..

Growing up, my family had a unique approach to managing possessions. Unlike the typical household that often purchases new items, my parents practiced a tradition of handing down their belongings to us kids. This method of recycling and reusing items puzzled me as a child. I often wondered why we didn't just buy new things and felt a reluctance to ask for anything new, knowing my parents were trying to save money.

This practice, though economical, left me struggling with feelings of unworthiness and self-doubt. I constantly felt that I didn't deserve new or better things, leading to a mindset where aspiring for more seemed out of reach. The idea that I couldn't afford something on my own made me question how I could ask for it from others or offer anything of value in return. It also made me hesitant to seek help or admit when I needed something, for fear of being indebted to someone.

Lesson: Family traditions can have a profound impact on our self-esteem and financial attitudes. It's important to balance economical practices with nurturing a healthy sense of self-worth and the will to ask for or invest in new things when necessary.

2. Being the Oldest Daughter

Never given the chance to receive care in return.

Being the first-born daughter came with an overwhelming sense of responsibility. I was the caretaker, never given the chance to receive care in return. It seemed that few acknowledged the toll it took on me emotionally and physically.

Lesson: The challenge of balancing care for others with self-care is a common struggle faced by many eldest children, particularly daughters. It's crucial to demand recognition and support for those in caregiving roles within the family, and nurturing yourself is not a selfish act but a necessary one.

3. We Are OK

No one can judge their importance but you.

I grew up in a family that was content with what they had, resulting in a laid-back mentality that neglected the need to ask or work hard for more. The lack of initiative from family members created an environment where I felt I always had to take the lead, or I wouldn't receive anything.

Lesson: This experience highlights the importance of self-advocacy. If you don't articulate your needs, no one will hear them. It's not just about the courage to ask, but also about recognizing that your needs are valid, and no one can judge their importance but you.

4. Stuck in the Past Prevents Progress

Your past is not a prison; it's a launchpad.

Life is all about vulnerability and embracing the experiences. It's about moving forward and turning challenges into stepping stones, ensuring that you're strong for yourself and others, while also taking care of your own needs.

Lesson: Your past is not a prison; it's a launchpad. Every experience, good or bad, prepares you for the next chapter of life. The key is to convert these experiences into fuel for your onward journey, developing a resilient core while maintaining empathy and self-awareness.

5. It's Not Just About How You Were Raised, But How You Deal with It Today

It's not just about how you were raised but how you respond to those experiences today. Adapting to and learning from your upbringing can shape a positive present and future.

Lesson: Using your past as a lesson rather than a limitation allows for personal growth and adaptation. It's about focusing on the present and future, navigating life based on current actions and decisions.

6. Empower Your Future: Take Control Today

The power to change the course of your life lies in your hands. It's your decisions today and tomorrow that will pave the way for the future you want.

Lesson: Realizing that your past doesn't have to dictate your future is a monumental step. It's about understanding that you have absolute control over your actions, decisions, and ultimately, your destiny. Prioritize actions that lead to positive change and align with your dreams.

For young adults, those seeking personal growth, or career changers, the message is clear: Don't let the first chapter of your life confine you. Embrace life's possibilities, challenge the status quo, and write your story boldly. The journey ahead is determined by your actions and decisions. You hold the pen—make your narrative count.

Finally, One Thing I Will Never Do Again: Blame My Upbringing.

Pointing fingers at my upbringing will not alter the circumstances, as ultimately, the direction of your life rests in your own hands. As an adult, you possess the ability to mold your future distinctly from your past.

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